52 Weeks of Organizing – Pens and Pencils are Procreating

I don’t know about you, but my house is overrun with pens, pencisl, markers and crayons.  Yet there never seems to be a sharpened pencil to be found when homework time begins.

So this morning I got out ALL of my writing utensils.  I kept finding more and more, even after I took this picture I found more.

  • I organized them into like piles.
  • I got rid of pens and markers that didn’t work.
  • I put Thing 1 to work sharpening all of the pencils.

I ended up with these piles:

sharpies, markers, crayons, colored pencils, pencils and pens
  • I then put some in the bags into our art drawer.
  • Then I separated an equal amounts of pens, pencils and highlighters into 3 containers which I put in good locations around the house.
hutch - near where homework is done
Island in Kitchen - Back up items
Phone Charging Station

Only after when I was in the office to pay bills did I realize I hadn’t included those writing items.  However I only have a few in there and never seem to have pens.  So I relocated a good chunk of pens into there!

I also designated a container for pencils needing to be sharpened, instead of putting them back into the other baskets, they have there own place!

Hopefully their procreation will slow, or at least be more orderly.  😉

Sharing is caring!

3 thoughts on “52 Weeks of Organizing – Pens and Pencils are Procreating”

  1. Around here all the pens and pencils seem to do disappearing acts. I have gathered them all up pulled out the ones that don’t work and put the rest in our pencil/pen container, only to come back later in the day and find only a half dozen pens left and none of them work! Every time one of the kids (the older 6) need a writing utensil they get one from the jar and never return them. I would love to have them procreate instead of disappearing!

  2. You Bring up a good point. Mine do disappear from where they are supposed to be! So I buy more, but then I find the others. With my new system maybe they will stay!

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